Boost Your Libido With an Active Lifestyle

If it seems like your libido is not especially responsive, no worries, here are some tips for boosting the female libido. Best of all, the tips are just simple lifestyle changes that will help you feel better in general. Of course, there are the classic and well known kegel exercises, which we can only assume since they are so widely suggested work very well. As far as physical activity, yoga is highly suggested and kegel exercises can also be incorporated into this in coordination with your breathing.
Other physical exercises that will tone your whole body, boost your energy and increase hormone levels are jogging and biking. And don't forget about diet: herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables, ginseng, eggs, chocolate, garlic, and seafood are all great additions for health and libido. These and other foods like almonds and chocolate contain natural combinations that work on the brain to boost one's hormones. Apparently the scent of cucumbers is also a natural libido booster, so that's another one to try. Finally, enjoy a relaxing spa day and hit up the steam room for increased blood flow everywhere.

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